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TATPros CaseStudies & Core Pattern Oct22

Sharing Case Studies & Experiencing TAT® w Core Pattern facilitated by Jeanine DuBois

11 US dollars
Online for TAT® Pros Oct 22 at 10am-noon PT

Available spots

Service Description

This 2-hour Pros offering qualifies as TAT® Pros Case Studies With a Buddy for certification renewal. As an aside, you may also like to participate in Jeanine's 3-part experiential workshop, which incorporates Tapas' new TAT® approach and more. Details here: Case Studies: Tuesday, October 22, 2024 at 10am PDT (1pm EDT, 17:00 5pm UTC) via Zoom includes: ~ informative group sharing, including discussion of experiences with Core Pattern and of CASE STUDIES*. *Any TAT Pros wishing to have this serve towards your CERTIFICATION RENEWAL (2 hours of CASE STUDIES with TAT Buddy), please attend prepared to share 1 or 2 (as time allows) TAT® case study experiences for discussion among us. ~ TAT® process facilitated by Jeanine, which will include whatever we are putting in the TAT pot pertinent to case studies, TAT process and or Core Pattern, or a theme we would like to do TAT about related to our experience as a TAT Pro. ~ 1 or 2 short breaks, allowing for flow of timing This event will Not be recorded. > > Please carefully Read & Agree to Information & Release before registering. This is a prerequisite to ensure clarity and a good fit. Feel free to contact Jeanine if you have questions (email below). * Once registered, please watch for 2 emails: ~ from with logistical info ~ from Jeanine at to receive Zoom participation link $11 registration acknowledges that we each will be bringing contributions to the group. Thank you for sharing with us! In addition, if you feel led to participate in Jeanine's 3-part series "Free to be The-Blessing-Of-Me", you are welcome to use TATPRO for the Buddy rate, a 15% discount, or EarlyReg is the same 15% off. Workshop info here: I love the possibility of some TAT Pros gathering and learning from each other's experience, as well as from the facilitated TAT®. I hope you can join us! With enthusiasm and gratitude, Jeanine (DuBois), Certified TAT® Pro & Trainer


Workshop cancellation preferred 5 days or more in advance. If cancellation less than 72 hours (3 days) prior to Day 1, payment commitment remains. Email Jeanine if you would like to request future alternate workshop times outside of calendar displayed availability.

Contact Details

Oregon, USA

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Email Jeanine for your brief complimentary phone call
 prior to your first session.

Jeanine DuBois is Not a licensed mental health professional nor medical provider.

Please seek assistance and guidance of appropriate health care providers as led.

Tapas Acupressure Technique, TAT, and TATLife are registered trademarks of TATLife, Inc. and used with permission.

Brain Gym® is a registered trademark of Educational Kinesiology Foundation dba Breakthroughs International.
Please see Jeanine's Information and Release form prior to booking your first session or event of any kind.

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© 2024 since 2018 Jeanine DuBois ~ Offering Compassion's Doorway services since 2003 

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