TATPros CaseStudies & Core Pattern Oct22
Sharing Case Studies & Experiencing TAT® w Core Pattern facilitated by Jeanine DuBois
Available spots
Service Description
This 2-hour Pros offering qualifies as TAT® Pros Case Studies With a Buddy for certification renewal. As an aside, you may also like to participate in Jeanine's 3-part experiential workshop, which incorporates Tapas' new TAT® approach and more. Details here: https://www.compassions-doorway.net/offerings Case Studies: Tuesday, October 22, 2024 at 10am PDT (1pm EDT, 17:00 5pm UTC) via Zoom includes: ~ informative group sharing, including discussion of experiences with Core Pattern and of CASE STUDIES*. *Any TAT Pros wishing to have this serve towards your CERTIFICATION RENEWAL (2 hours of CASE STUDIES with TAT Buddy), please attend prepared to share 1 or 2 (as time allows) TAT® case study experiences for discussion among us. ~ TAT® process facilitated by Jeanine, which will include whatever we are putting in the TAT pot pertinent to case studies, TAT process and or Core Pattern, or a theme we would like to do TAT about related to our experience as a TAT Pro. ~ 1 or 2 short breaks, allowing for flow of timing This event will Not be recorded. > > Please carefully Read & Agree to Information & Release https://www.compassions-doorway.net/info-release before registering. This is a prerequisite to ensure clarity and a good fit. Feel free to contact Jeanine if you have questions (email below). * Once registered, please watch for 2 emails: ~ from appointments@wixbookings.com with logistical info ~ from Jeanine at jdubois1776@gmail.com to receive Zoom participation link $11 registration acknowledges that we each will be bringing contributions to the group. Thank you for sharing with us! In addition, if you feel led to participate in Jeanine's 3-part series "Free to be The-Blessing-Of-Me", you are welcome to use TATPRO for the Buddy rate, a 15% discount, or EarlyReg is the same 15% off. Workshop info here: https://www.compassions-doorway.net/offerings I love the possibility of some TAT Pros gathering and learning from each other's experience, as well as from the facilitated TAT®. I hope you can join us! With enthusiasm and gratitude, Jeanine (DuBois), Certified TAT® Pro & Trainer

Workshop cancellation preferred 5 days or more in advance. If cancellation less than 72 hours (3 days) prior to Day 1, payment commitment remains. Email Jeanine jdubois1776@gmail.com if you would like to request future alternate workshop times outside of calendar displayed availability.
Contact Details
Oregon, USA