IG Live with Dr Zach Bush, Careyann, and me ~ a lovely opportunity to hear experiences and ask questions about Dr Zach's Journey of Intrinsic Health. Dr Zach's recent article, "This one really hit home for me", spoke beautifully to the power of JOIH. If you missed it and you're on my e-list, I can forward it to you, as it went to subscribers.
Also, if you missed it, my recent blog BeYouToFull Blessings of Now, you'll find highlights of my experience with Dr Zach's inspiring and enlightening Journey. Definitely... Beyond the Paradigm
Into the Possibility
And if you noticed my photo here is crooked, there's a reasonI I am today setting up my iPad and know next to nothing about using it. And last weekend was setting up Instagram. So yes, I took the photo of Dr Zach's IG Live announcement with my phone! 🙃
Life is an adventure! And this amazing Journey takes us into our cells, our microbiome, the cosmos, our hearts, our community, and more. The program site is well worth a gander: Journey of Intrinsic Health. I am deeply grateful for the 8 week coaching experience and this delicious year in community connection and ongoing learning and integration. Celebrating Infinite Possibilities,
✨ Jeanine DuBois
#DrZachBush #JourneyOfIntrinsicHealth #health #IntrinsicHealth #Community #BeyondTheParadigm #InfinitePosibilities #Presence